TAKE HEART: The Ways of Love, Free of Fear and Ego
The human heart has no circumference. Nothing can hold it back from loving not only near and dear but far and wide. Such love coming from us and to us gives us a sense of fulfillment on our human journey. In this booklet we find affirmations and practices that help this happen. We can go beyond fear and ego to comfort and joy. — David Richo
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This is a book of quotations gathered from a variety of sources in psychology and spirituality, especially Buddhist, Christian, Jungian, and transpersonal. The quotations are brief and can be used as springboards for contemplation. They are divided into three sections:
Psychological insight into the work we can do on ourselves to build a healthy personality.
Spiritual awareness of our calling to act in the world with integrity and loving-kindness.
Mystical realization exploring the manifold pathways to the divine heart of the universe that was always our own heart.
As we meditate daily on one or more of these quotations, we come upon our own unique path and our common human destiny: to love unconditionally, to access wisdom, and to bring compassionate healing to the world around us.
ISBN 978-0966990829
Two classic works in psychology
back in print from Human Development Books…
The Betrayal of the Self:
The Fear of Autonomy in Men and Women
by Arno Gruen
Love or power — these are the opposing poles of a choice every child is compelled to make, very early in its life, in a drama that sets it irrevocably on its path through life. This startling new insight into a formative experience fundamental to our development is the subject of Dr. Arno Gruen’s pathbreaking contribution to the psychoanalytic view of the human soul, and what distorts it into pathology.
The Insanity of Normality: Toward Understanding Human Destructiveness
by Arno Gruen — a classic work on the origins of violence, now available in paperback
In The Insanity of Normality, the psychoanalyst Arno Gruen challenges the assumption, made popular by Freud in the twentieth century, that humans are born with an innate tendency to destruction and violence. Gruen argues instead that at the root of evil lies self-hatred, a rage originating in a self-betrayal that begins in childhood, when autonomy is surrendered in exchange for the “love” of those who wield power over us. To share in that subjugating power, we create a false self, a pleasing-to-others image of ourselves that springs from powerful and deep-seated hopes for love and fears of being injured and humiliated.
more about Dr. Gruen’s books and articles, including bibliography
Communications Skills and Studies
Seven Challenges: A Workbook and Reader About Communicating More Cooperatively. By Dennis Rivers. Free, PDF e-book copies of this 100-page book are available at www.newconversations.net (Also En Español: Los Siete Retos Em Português: Os sete desafios) Topics include listening more responsively, expressing yourself more clearly, asking questions more creatively and expressing more gratitude. May be reproduced without royalties for home, school and business use. Price for printed copies: $10 spiral bound plus postage. To order printed copies or download PDFs in English, Spanish or Portuguese, click here.
The Geometry of Dialogue — A Visual Way of Understanding Interpersonal Communication and Human Development. By Dennis Rivers. Printed edition of e-book featured for free on the web. Explores the dynamic patterns the unfold within and between people. Relates talking and listening to long term processes of human development. Supports and explains various chapters in the Seven Challenges Workbook. Click here for extended description. 200 pages, 8.5″ x 11″, paperback. Printed copies are available for $20 (+ postage) from the Lulu Online Bookstore.